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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Luke Miller Finds New Opportunites at Gordon

Luke Miller, 18, didn’t think about traveling outside of Pennsylvania for college until he faced hospitalization.  “The summer between my junior and senior year I was hospitalized. I had ulcerative colitis. After I got out, my dad took me to a concert; it was kind of a ‘Luke’s better’ celebration.”
At the concert, “they had a college tent. When I went into the tent, I saw a big spread of Gordon’s campus. It was really pretty, and it caught my eye”. Miller, from Coopersburg, PA,  remembers what really stood out to him about the campus was “the woods, and I could see the lake in the picture, it was really awesome to see, so I got my name on a mailing list.”
Once accepted, Miller decided to go to Accepted Students weekend, which is what really solidified his choice. “When I came to visit, the people here were welcoming and really nice – the guy that I stayed with was amazing, and all the guys on his floor were really great. I felt wanted here – all the other colleges just treated me like a number.” He adds that a professor in the Theatre Department, Norm Jones “flat out said ‘We would love to have you here.’ I felt like Gordon wanted me, not just my money.”
The other colleges he was considering were DeSales University and Messiah College, both in Pennsylvania. However, he felt that at DeSales, located about 10 minutes from his house, he “wouldn’t have had the opportunities there that I have here.” Messiah, a college where some of his cousins and friends attend, “is falling away from God. But I have professors here that pray before class, and I have discussions with people about God.  I’m happier about my decision everyday.”
Miller also adds that “The friends I’ve made – the freshman, and also upperclassmen -  I feel like I’ve been friends with them for a really long time, when in reality I’ve only known them for a few weeks.” He smiles thinking about those friends and adds, “I already feel God working in my life here.”

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