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Thursday, September 23, 2010

International Peace Day Celebrated at Gordon College

Each day we learn about more acts of terrorism, slavery, or violence in our world. This knowledge ignites a desire for peace. Gordon College has decided to "equip students in any major to prevent, resolve and transform conflict in all areas of their lives", Professor Oleson, Department of Sociology and Social Work says, by releasing a new minor in Peace and Conflict Transformation. In conjuncture with the release, Gordon has organized several events to celebrate the International Day of Peace. The events include a lecture entitled "Discipleship in an Insecure World", given by Dr. David Steele, a reconciliation facilitator who works around the globe promoting peace and conflict resolution. There will also be a viewing of "Little Town of Bethlehem", a film following three people of different races and religious backgrounds looking to solve conflict in our world.

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