"Good writing has an aliveness that keeps the reader reading." - On Writing Well

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Gordon Alumni Offer Advice to Current Students

It’s easy as a college student to get caught up in classes, homework, part time jobs, and trying to balance all of that while maintaining a healthy social life. However, many before, have come and gone, and experienced very similar situations – both wonderful and stressful. A few have offered their advice.

I always try to learn something new with every story I write,” Jon Phelps, says. Phelps, who graduated in 2008, works as a Journalist for the Eagle Tribune, a career he would have never realized his passion for if not for taking the class at Gordon. He says to keep in mind that “no story is too small” - advice that seems journalistic, but is important for all students or graduates.

Marywin Light felt Gordon very much prepared her for life in the real world. Light graduated in 2009 and is currently working towards her Master's degree in Intelligence and National Security at the University of Texas at El Paso. “Gordon prepared me for this very different life”, she says, “they're pretty good at producing revolutionaries.”

Heather Lobe would agree. The day after graduation, Lobe, a member of the class of 2010, moved to New York City. “I was challenged daily, and had to learn that I couldn't do this on my own. I couldn't have made it without the strength of the Lord,” she says, “I definitely feel like my time at Gordon strengthened me as a person and prepared me for my time in NYC.” Just like John and Marywin, Lobe says, “My time at Gordon taught me about myself, the world, and my limits.”

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